Inspiring Personal Responsibility for our Environment and Natural Resources.
The Personnel Committee will be meeting Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 12pm at Wetland Studies & Solutions, Inc., 5300 Wellington Branch Dr #100, Gainesville, VA 20155 to discuss personnel policy changes.

Free Technical Assistance
Conservation Plans
Nutrient Management Plans
Soil Sampling
State Cost-Share/
Tax-Credit Programs

Conservation Capsules (Classroom Education)
Farm Field Days
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE)

Water Quality Monitoring
Chemical Monitoring
Floatables Monitoring
Plastic Pollution

Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP)
Gardener's Gold (brochure on farms that have free manure/compost available)
For more announcements and the latest news, please click here!
Scholarship Opportunity​
The VASWCD Educational Foundation scholarship program promotes the education of Virginia citizens in technical fields with a natural resource conservation and environmental protection emphasis. The program provides financial support to students majoring in or showing a strong desire to major in a course curriculum related to natural resource conservation and/or environmental studies. Annually the Foundation provides four $2,000 statewide scholarships in addition to the many local SWCD scholarship opportunities.

2025 Prospective scholarship candidates:
Virginia resident
Full-time college freshmen or high school senior students who have applied to a college freshman level curriculum
Class ranking in the top 20% of his or her graduating class
3.0 or greater Grade Point Average or appropriate equivalent of individual scholastic achievement
Most recent official high school transcript must accompany the application; a copy of a school transcript will not be accepted.
Applicants shall demonstrate an active interest in conservation.
We encourage applicants who were high school seniors in 2024 to apply again in 2025 as scholarship guidelines allow those “enrolled in a freshman college curriculum or applying to a college freshmen level curriculum” to be considered.
Deadline to submit an application is April 11, 2025.
For an application and more information, click here, or contact Kim Lowther at education@pwswcd.org, 571.379.7514.
Camp Woods and Wildlife!
Open to VA residents ages 13-16 with an interest in natural resources. Held in Appomattox at the Holiday Lake 4-H Center from June 16-20, 2025! This camp is FREE! See our listing here to get more details about our scholarship to camp for up to 10 students.
If you want to spend part of your summer outdoors experiencing hands-on learning and gain real-world skills in natural resources conservation this is the camp for you!
To apply click here. Then send in your application with nominations by April 4, 2025 to:
8850 Rixlew Lane
Manassas, VA 20109

About Us
The Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD or District) is focused on protecting and enhancing our water and soil resources by providing leadership in the conservation of soil, water, and related resources to all Prince William County citizens through technical assistance, information, and education.

Is This a District Question?
We get lots of questions every day and we want to make sure you are guided in the right direction!
For services the District provides, click here. This will tell you who from District staff can help you out!
For services the District does not provide, click here. If your question is not on the list, contact any of us and we'll do our best to help!
Got questions, but not in Prince William County (or City of Manassas)? Click here for information on how to contact your local soil & water conservation district!
Freedom of Information Act
Rights of Requesters and the Responsibilities of the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act: The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), located § 2.2-3700 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials, and public employees.To request records from our District, direct your request to the FOIA Officer, Linda Dunn. He can be reached at 8850 Rixlew Lane, Manassas, VA 20109, phone (571) 379-7514, email pwswcd@pwswcd.org.