Youth Education
VASWCD Scholarship
Scholarship Opportunity:
​The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Educational Foundation (VASWCDEF) scholarship program promotes the education of Virginia citizens in technical fields with a natural resource conservation and environmental protection emphasis. The program provides financial support to students majoring in or showing a strong desire to major in a course curriculum related to natural resource conservation and/or environmental studies. Annually the Foundation provides four $2,000 statewide scholarships.
Applications must arrive at the PWSWCD office by April 11, 2025. Applications for students who reside in Prince William County must be submitted to the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District, which will select one student for consideration by the state committee. Each of Virginia's 47 soil and water conservation districts in the state may nominate one applicant. Selection for consideration by the state committee does not guarantee the receipt of a VASWCDEF scholarship.

Individual applicants must be Prince William County residents and full-time college freshmen or high school senior students who have applied to a college freshman level curriculum.
Applicants shall document a class ranking in the top 20% of his/her graduating class or a 3.0 or greater Grade Point Average or appropriate equivalent of individual scholastic achievement.
Applicants shall demonstrate an active interest in conservation.
To Apply:
Please fill out the application, which you can find here. The most recent official high school or college transcript must accompany the application. (The official transcript may be sent separately, but must arrive by the April 11 deadline.)
Three letters of reference must be attached, or, if sent separately, must arrive by the April 11 deadline.
Applications for students who reside in Prince William County must be submitted to the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District, which will select one student for consideration by the state committee. Selection for consideration by the state committee does not guarantee the receipt of a VASWCDEF scholarship.
Applications will be reviewed by local and state panels and all applications and information contained therein shall remain confidential.
Applications must arrive at the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD) office by April 11, 2025. (Mailed applications should be postmarked at least three working days beforehand to ensure arrival by the deadline.) Students may also drop off their complete application by appointment.
Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District
8850 Rixlew Lane
Manassas, VA 20109