Youth Education
Home Owners
The Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District offers some assistance to home owners in Prince William County, including the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP), Gardener's Gold/USE Manure program, and our water quality programs: Adopt-A-Stream and Water Quality Monitoring.
For further urban concerns and questions, please contact the Virginia Cooperative Extension - Prince William.

VCAP is a program that helps HOAs, individual homeowners, schools, places of worship, and other communities with urban soil erosion and water runoff. Some of the practices VCAP covers includes: Conservation Landscaping, Rain Gardens, Dry Wells, and more! You can find more information by visiting or visiting our page.
Gardener's Gold

Looking for a free source of compost for your garden? Then you need to check out our USE Manure Program, aka Gardener's Gold! Click here to view the brochure of farms that are giving away free composted horse manure (brochure updated February 2022).
If you wish to be added or removed from the list, please contact Nicole Slazinski at, 571-379-7514
Adopt-A-Stream/Pond and Water Quality Monitoring

Stream cleanups are excellent community events that involve volunteers walking along or paddling on a stream channel, collecting trash and gathering information. Information gathered can include types and quantities of trash, debris too large to move, and problems encountered.
Learn more about how to monitor waterways in Prince William County.