Traditional Agriculture
Horse Farms
The Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District has been actively working with horse owners, teaching them about water quality and land stewardship, since 1999.

Conservation Plans

A conservation plan can help direct landowners in making good management decisions that can increase animal health, profitability, and the aesthetics of their property, while protecting natural resources. The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act and Prince William County Code requires that all agricultural lands in Prince William County have a conservation plan. The Conservation District is tasked to write these plans, free of charge. Nicole Slazinski, Mike Miller, and Jay Yankey are available to assist horse owners who do not have conservation plans to offer our plan writing services. For horse farms that already have a conservation plan we will revise/update your plan if it is over three years old, or if you have significantly changed your operation. We would be happy to schedule a visit with you at your convenience and we look forward to working with you in the coming months. Conservation plans are free and voluntary; they are meant to help you with your farm. Call today (571) 379-7514. (See before and after pictures below of our model horse farm; this is what our conservation plans can do for YOUR horse farm!)
What is included in your conservation plan:
Maps - includes Aerial, Fields, Topography, Soils, Hydrology, Best Management Practices, etc.
Nutrient Management Plan - we'll even take soil samples for you!
R.U.S.L.E 2 report - learn how to reduce erosion on your farm
Erosion Control Plan - includes best management practices (BMPs) recommendations
Grazing Plan Narrative - step by step guide with better managing your pastures
Yields Data - learn how many horses your pasture land can support
Pest Management Plan - identify common weeds and use integrated pest management to control them.
Model Horse Farm

The Chesapeake Bay~Friendly Horse Farm Project, also referred to as the Model Horse Farm, was a grant project that started back in 2008. This private horse farm, Oakwood Farm, owned and operated by Dr. Edith Kennedy, used innovative and financially applicable Best Management Practices designed specifically for horse properties. These practices improve horse health, chore-efficiency, property aesthetics, and maximize acreage without degrading natural resources. If you haven't visited the Horse Farm we will be happy to include you in our next tour. Please note: this is a private property so if you want a tour you need to schedule one with the District.
Summary and Final Report on the Model Horse Farm
Estimated Costs for WQIF Horse Farm
Congratulatory letter from Senator Mark Warner
See below for before and after pictures!
Model Horse Farm: Before and After
Pictures speak volumes. If Dr. Kennedy can turn her farm into a model horse farm, so can you!

Before: Front Pastures

After: Front Pastures

Before: Front Pastures

After: Front Pastures

Before: Front Pastures

After: Front Pastures

Before: Back Pastures

After: Back Pastures

Before: Front Sacrifice Paddock

After: Front Sacrifice Paddock

Before: Back Sacrifice Paddock

After: Back Sacrifice Paddock

Before: Watering System

After: Watering System (Bar-Bar-A water trough)

Before: Buffer

After: Buffer
Healthy Pastures = Healthy, Happy Horses!

Just rolling in the grass!