Youth Education
Poster Contest 2024
2024 Theme:
May the Forest Be with You, Always
This year's theme underscores the critical interplay between soil and water conservation and the resilience of our forests. Forests play multifaceted roles in sustaining our planet, serving as sources of oxygen, carbon storage, and vibrant hubs of biodiversity. They function as steadfast protectors of soil and water resources, preventing erosion, purifying contaminants, and nurturing healthy watersheds.
In today’s context, marked by environmental challenges, resilient forests are indispensable in fostering a sustainable world. The phrase “May the Forest Be with You, Always” signifies our commitment to responsible forest stewardship, emphasizing their enduring strength and adaptability.

How do you enter:
Hand-drawn Poster Contest - open to K-12, the local PWSWCD competition follows the NACD national guidelines
*NEW* Digital Poster Contest - open to 7th-12th, please refer to digital poster contest rules
All posters (hand-drawn and digital) must contain the contest theme phrase "May the Forest Be with You, Always". See posters from past contests here for examples.
Posters can be submitted digitally to Posters should be submitted digitally as a .jpeg, .png, or similar file format along with the entry form by the deadline. Posters and images may be of any size. When photographing or scanning your poster for submission, be sure that the entire poster is clear and visible (with good lighting), the image is appropriately cropped, and the photo accurately reflects the original poster.
Posters can also be mailed to the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD) office by September 27, 2024. Posters may be dropped off by appointment.
Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District
8850 Rixlew Lane, Manassas, VA 20109
Poster Entry Deadline: September 27, 2024
Conservation Poster Contest Entry Form 2024
Local winners receive recognition and a prize from PWSWCD and are forwarded to the state competition.