Water Quality
We have 2 water quality programs, Adopt-A-Stream or Pond and Water Quality Monitoring
Want to show support for water quality projects? Then check out the Chesapeake Bay License Plate! Click here for an application.

Stream cleanups involve volunteers walking along or paddling on a stream channel, collecting trash and gathering information. Information gathered can include types and quantities of trash, debris too large to move, and problems encountered.
Between 2015 and 2020, we have had 5,882 volunteers clean up 109,101 pounds of trash from Prince William County waterways! Thank you to everyone for all your work, every single piece of trash removed makes a difference.
The Prince William Trails & Streams Coalition (PWTSC) and Prince William Soil and Water Conservation hosted a clean-up at Neabsco Creek. Boy Scout Troop 501 and community members met at Neabsco Eagles Park in Woodbridge and picked up litter upstream from the Metz Wetlands.
PW Soil and Water and PW Trails and Streams work with Boy Scouts Troop 317 cleaning up Powell's Creek and Neabsco Creek.

Learn how to monitor waterways in Prince William County.
America Nepal Society certified monitor hosts events at Dewey's Creek in Woodbridge.